Maps Relating to Nina's Story
Map of Europe -A broad map of Europe that shows the control of the Germans of the Soviets after the German-Soviet Pact.
Map of Europ/Nina -A map of Europe that shows Nina's route through eastern Europe during 1939-1946. (same, with cities circled)
Map of Janowska -A map that shows important locations in the Janowska Labor Camp (Fall 1942), the camp from which Nina escaped.
Map of Lvov+environs -A map that shows the location of the Lvov ghetto in relation to the rest of the city, Janowska concentration camp, and other key locations (with text below).
Map of Lvov (1938) -This is a link
to a detailed street map of Lvov that has expandable grids for easy viewing.
Click on grid 6,E to view the location of Nina's house on Kopernika before she
was deported to the ghetto. (site also has great links
On this site we have scanned the same map: its detail of downtown (small/big),
side, west side,